Jim Goldberg "My face shows the intensity of a pained woman. I've been mugged and beaten. I didn't ask for this mess. This makes me look like a bum - I am not. I am fantastic Dorothy, a popular personality. The (...)
nicest person in the hotel." San Francisco, California. USA. 1983. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Rich and Poor “My wife is acceptable. Our relationship is satisfactory.”…”Edgar looks splendid here. His power and strength of character come through. He is a very private person who is not demonstrative of his (...)
affection, that has never made me unhappy. I accept him as he is. We are totally devoted to each other." San Francisco, USA. 1981. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Rich and Poor "I keep thinking where we went wrong. We have no one to talk to now, however, I will not allow this loneliness to destroy me - I STILL HAVE MY DREAMS. I would like an elegant home, a loving husband (...)
and the wealth I am used to." San Francisco, USA. 1982. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Rich and Poor "To my discomfort, I am often considered a grand dame. I know how to behave in most cirumstances whether with inferiors or superiors, without attracting attention. I was properly brought up. To the (...)
manor and manners born." San Francisco, USA. 1984. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg USA. San Francisco, California. 1984. "This is the most terrible picture ever taken. I look swollen .. my heart wasn't happy. I wasn't lucky to be born a lady in the U.S.A. In Guatemala I was my ow (...)
n boss, I was middle class, I was a nurse. At the beginning I was sad to be a housekeeper, now I am used to it. When your illness has no cure why worry?" © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Rich and Poor " I enjoy the privileges of affluence - a large house, a servant, exotic food. I dislike many of my upper class obligations - correct appearances, prescribed behavior, impoverished ideas. For bette (...)
r or for worse, I handle this paradox by living alone - as an artist. If you want to stunt your growth, be rich." San Francisco, USA. 1981. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Rich and Poor "Arthur looks bored. I look like I am a prop. Arthur is a very sensitive man who gives me a lot of freedom.""We have a great lifestyle. We love private airplanes, fancy yachts, cars + vacations. (...)
"Arthur looks bored. I look like I am a prop. Arthur is a very sensitive man who gives me a lot of freedom."..."We have a great lifestyle. We love private airplanes, fancy yachts, cars + vacations. People like to be with us - we are an exciting couple. I have power because I am a good person. You get power because people want to give it to you -." San Francisco, USA. 1982. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Rich and Poor "Very good! I think we fit in beautifully in the environment. The life we live comes naturally to us. We are aristocratic, well-bred: a cultured and civilized couple. I have never had to work a day (...)
in my life. We have always been affluent. I don't care if people like the way we live - All we want is peace and quiet." San Francisco, USA. 1982. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos
Jim Goldberg | Rich and Poor "We look like weatherbeaten survivors. We try to understand each other. We can't always. When we are young we think people will change, but they will become only what they are. Now, we are at the e (...)
nd of our lives. Growing old together eases the pain." San Francisco, USA. 1983. © Jim Goldberg | Magnum Photos