Magnum Digest

The Magnum Digest: June 29, 2018

Mikhael Subotzky Portrait of photographer David Goldblatt in his Johannesburg home. Johannesburg. South Africa. 2018. © Mikhael Subotzky | Magnum Photos
Martin Parr Crimsworth Dean Methodist Chapel. England. 1977. © Martin Parr | Magnum Photos
Burt Glinn Party for artist Maurice Bugeaud, who is celebrating the winning of a Fulbright Scholarship for study in Europe by hosting a Rent a Beatnik party at an artist's loft on Christie and Division street (...)
Sim Chi Yin A family takes a walk and goes fishing in an area in southern Malaysia now covered with giant sand dunes. The Danga Bay area is earmarked for a massive residency and commercial development, with mu (...)