Jacob Aue Sobol The family has a dog. It follows 10-year-old Eliseo every morning when he walks the long way to the other side of the mountain to look after the horses. Eliseo doesn't like to walk the long way alo (...)
ne. He feels safer when the dog is with him. 2005. © Jacob Aue Sobol | Magnum Photos
Jacob Aue Sobol In April, the family burn back their cornfield to prepare for the next season. The corn harvest is particularly important to the family, because corn is part of every meal the family prepares. A ba (...)
d corn season will be a catastrophe for the well-being of the family. Burn back. 2005. © Jacob Aue Sobol | Magnum Photos
Jacob Aue Sobol Usually the family cannot afford eating anything other than vegetables and corn. They are breeding 12 chickens, but they will be sold to pay for clothing and daily necessities. During the day, the (...)
chickens stay outside, but when it gets dark they are put in a box that is placed under the bed of the eldest son. He takes care of the chickens. 2005. © Jacob Aue Sobol | Magnum Photos
Jacob Aue Sobol Roberto is 3-years-old and is the youngest child in the family. Childhood doesn't last long for the people of Ixil, but for now Roberto can still enjoy living with the comfort of his older sisters (...)
and brothers. Elisabeth especially wants to be close to him at all times. She dreams of having her own family and already practices being a mother by taking care of Roberto. After dark, when you can hear the rats searching for corn on the ground, Roberto crawls into the caring arms of his sister. 2005. © Jacob Aue Sobol | Magnum Photos
Jacob Aue Sobol David takes a break from work. In spite of the fact that he’s only 6-years-old, David is always out of the house. Sometimes he doesn't return home before darkness falls, when his family is already (...)
sitting around the fireplace eating dinner. 2005. © Jacob Aue Sobol | Magnum Photos
Jacob Aue Sobol When Felipe goes for a walk with the goats at 5 a.m., he always passes by the big avocado tree to see if any of the fruits have fallen down. This morning there is nothing to find, but he has brough (...)
t his slingshot with him and shoots down a bunch of them. He knows that his sisters and brothers would like some as well. 2005. © Jacob Aue Sobol | Magnum Photos