
Ara Güler, 1928-2018

Ara Güler Ottoman tombstones in the Merkezfendi cemetery in Istanbul. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler A religious inscription to "Allah" outside a Mosque of the 16th century in Edirne, orthern Turkey. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler TURKEY. Istanbul. A view of the Golden Horn with the Suleymaniye Mosque built during the Ottoman empire. 1956. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler Dockworkers waiting to unload ships along the Golden Horn, Istanbul. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler Kumkapi fishermen returning to port in the first light of dawn. Turkey. 1950. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler Provincials looking at the boats from Galata bridge. Turkey. 1956. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler TURKEY. 1954. Children and barge drawn up on the embankment at Üsküdar. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler Children playing among the tombstones in the Seyhülislam Yahya Efendi cemetery at Ortaköy. Turkey. 1985. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler The man painting the anchor of a boat, Karaköy. Turkey. 1954. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler Inside an old 'Han" (Inn) in the Galatasaray district of Istanbul. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler A blacksmith with his apprentice in the market of Kahramanmaras in Eastern Anatolia. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler The shipping yards with freight boats on the Golden Horn. Istanbul. Turkey. 1960. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler Winter flooding in the lowland region of Ferikoy, near Istanbul. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler Two shepherds wearing the traditional felt capes against the cold Anatolian winds near their village of Divrigi in the plains near Siva, Central Anatolia. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos
Ara Güler Salacak landing-stage and Istanbul silhouette. Turkey. 1968. © Ara Güler | Magnum Photos