
The Hungarian Revolution

Erich Lessing In order to calm the crowd outside, the portrait of Lenin is rapidly being removed from the council room of the city hall by freedom fighter. Gyor, Hungary. October-November, 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing Months before the revolution, steel-workers begin striking at the Stalinvarosz steel-plant, the flagship and pride of the Hungarian Communist industry. Stalinvarosz steel-plant (now Dunapentele), l (...)
Erich Lessing Janos Mesz, 'Janko of the wooden leg', one of the leaders of the rebel group Corvin Lane, at the Erkel Theatre on Koztarsasag Square. Budapest, Hungary. October 30, 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing A membership meeting of the Writers' Association on December 28, 1956. Tibor Dery has the floor. Pictured in the foreground is Gyula Hay, with his chin in his hand. Several weeks after this meeting (...)
Erich Lessing The Hungarian Revolution began with an initial mass rally in Budapest on October 23, 1956.It was crushed by Soviet troops after days of street-fighting. Two insurgents watch a side-entrance to a re (...)
Erich Lessing The body of a fallen Soviet soldier on Jozsef Boulevard. Budapest, Hungary. October-November. 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing Bystanders try to catch the first issue of the new, pro-revolution communist party paper. When Imre Nagy became prime minister in the first days of the Hungarian revolution, the paper was no longer (...)
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. December 28th, 1956. After the defeat of the revolution, the Writers' Union met once more to discuss revolution and repession. The union was dissolved in January 1957 but was rei (...)
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. October-November 1956. Insurrection. The body of a fallen soldier in front of a disabled tank on Jozsef Boulevard. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. October-November 1956. Insurrection. An armed rebel in the vicinity of Corvin Lane. In his hand is a Soviet-style automatic machine-gun, called a kalashnikov. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. 1956. The Hungarian Revolution began with a first mass-rally in Budapest on October 23,1956.It was crushed by Soviet troops after days of street-fighting.A dead AVO-man, killed (...)
Erich Lessing A Writers’ Union meeting on June 27 1956, concerning press and information policy, sparked the Revolution. Pictured here is Emil Horn, later a historian of the Revolution. Budapest, Hungary. 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing The beginning of the deStalinisation period in Hungary saw the development of an opposition movement, particularly among students and intellectuals. Imre Nagy, who was called in as Prime Minister, (...)
Erich Lessing An artillery wreck in Dohany Street. Budapest, Hungary, October-November 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. 1956. Meeting of " Petöfi circle". © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing Hungarian refugees in the Austrian village of Andau. They were given cups of hot tea and bread with butter upon arrival. Andau, Austria. October-November 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. 1956. The Hungarian Revolution began with a first mass-rally in Budapest on October 24, 1956. It was crushed by Soviet tanks and artillery after days of street-fighting. Life mu (...)
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. 1956. Stalinvaros. Production meeting. Labour unrest and some strikes began among the privileged steelworkers months before the outbreak of the revolution. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing During the Soviet retreat from Budapest, on October 29, happy crowds march through the city. Budapest, Hungary. October-November, 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. October-November 1956. Insurrection. Destroyed armoured cars in Prater Street. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. October-November 1956. Insurrection. Soviet tanks and artillery on abandoned Jozsef Boulevard, as seen from Üllöi Street. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. October-November 1956. Insurrection. A street scene in downtown Budapest after days of heavy fighting. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing In a stormy meeting of the Hungarian Writers' Union, György Szüdi called the planned rise of agricultural production by twenty-seven per cent 'simply idiotic'. The Writers' Union was dissolved in J (...)
Erich Lessing A pair of bronze boots is all that is left of a huge Stalin monument, destroyed during the night on October 23, 1956. Budapest, Hungary. October-November, 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing Citizens look at destroyed armoured cars in Prater Street. Budapest, Hungary. October-November, 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. 1956. Stalinvaros steel-plant (now Dunapentele), located 60 km south of Budapest on the bank of the Danube river. Months before the October anticommunist upheaval, steel-workers begin st (...)
Erich Lessing Freedom fighters on a Hungarian tank, surrounded by joyous citizens, who did not know that the Soviet retreat, announced for October 31st, 1956, was only feigned. Budapest, Hungary. October-Novembe (...)
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. November 1956. Insurrection. Out-of-action tanks on Jozsef Boulevard, across from Prater Street. An armed rebel stands atop one of them. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing Members of the insurrection looting the Soviet Cultural shop on Vaci Road and destroying the propaganda material. Budapest, Hungary. October-November, 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing The Soviet bookshop ‘Horizon’ is attacked by revolutionaries. Books and portraits of hated communist leaders are burnt in the street. An enthusiast recites poems by Sandor Petöfi, the poet of the H (...)
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. October-November 1956. Insurrection. Heavy T-34/85 tanks protect a street crossing on the Pest side of Kossuth Bridge. These havy tanks proved too unwieldy for downtown battles, (...)
Erich Lessing At the meeting of the Petšfi Cercle on June 27, 1956, the social democrat, Arpad Szakasits, talks to the philosopher George Lukacs. Budapest, Hungary. 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing A Hungarian solder, whose armband indicates that he has joined the freedom-fighters, stands in front of a disabled Soviet tank. Budapest, Hungary. October-November, 1956. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Budapest. October-November 1956. Insurrection. Insurgents walk home past the Kilian barracks after a day of fighting/ In the entryway of the barracks sits Colonel Pal Maleter's tank, whic (...)
Erich Lessing HUNGARY. Insurrection. October-November 1956. Budapest. Near Köztarsasag Square Insurgent reloading his gun during street fighting. In the background citizens are watching. © Erich Lessing | Magnum Photos