Jérôme Sessini American volunteers (Free Ranger Kurdistan) entering Bashiqa along with Peshmerga forces. Peshmerga forces began an offensive from two fronts near Bashiqa, north east of Mosul. According to a peshm (...)
erga commander about 100 Islamic State (IS) militants have been encircled by the peshmerga forces in Bashiqa. Bashiqa, Iraq. November 7, 2016. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini Peshmergas get the last briefing at 5am before the assault on Bashiqa. Peshmerga forces began an offensive from two fronts near Bashiqa, north east of Mosul. According to a peshmerga commander abou (...)
t 100 Islamic State (IS) militants have been encircled by the peshmerga forces in Bashiqa. Bashiqa, Iraq. November 7, 2016. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos
Jérôme Sessini A peshmerga officer stops the convoy as a bus packed with explosives by ISIS explodes on the way to Bashiqa. The explosion was intended to stop the advance of peshmerga forces in their offensive fr (...)
om two fronts near Bashiqa, north east of Mosul. Bashiqa, Iraq. November 7, 2016. © Jérôme Sessini | Magnum Photos