
Mosul Today: Leave or Stay?

Moises Saman Iraqi families fleeing the fighting gather on a neighborhood at the edge of western Mosul. Mosul, Iraq. March 7, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman A displaced family riding inside an Iraqi Army humvee arrive at a makeshift processing center for displaced families south of Mosul. Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Iraqi civilians fleeing the fighting in the western side of Mosul walk toward the safety of an Iraqi Army position on the outskirts of the city. Mosul, Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Displaced Iraqi civilians arrive at an Iraqi Army processing center for displaced families on the outskirts of Mosul. Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman The aftermath of heavy fighting at the Salam Hospital on the eastern side of Mosul. The hospital, a formed ISIS base, was recaptured by Iraqi forces after heavy fighting. Mosul, Iraq. March 9, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Displaced Iraqi climb trees near a makeshift shelter where they live with their families on the grounds of a technical school in Nimrud, south of Mosul. Iraq. March 7, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Iraqi civilians fleeing the fighting in the western side of Mosul walk toward the safety of an Iraqi Army position on the outskirts of the city. Mosul, Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Iraqi civilians, some of them wounded, fleeing the fighting on the western side of Mosul arrive at an Iraqi Army position on the outskirts of the city. Mosul, Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Hammam al-Ali, Iraq, March 8, 2017. Thousands of Iraqi civilians displaced from western Mosul arrive at a makeshift camp on the outskirts of Hammam al-Ali, south of Mosul. (Photo by Moises Saman/ (...)
Moises Saman Iraqi civilians fleeing the fighting in the western side of Mosul gather at an Iraqi Army position on the outskirts of the city. Mosul, Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Plastic drapes used by ISIS to camouflage a firing position next to a highway overpass in eastern Mosul. Mosul, Iraq. March 9, 2017 © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Iraqi civilians fleeing the fighting in the western side of Mosul walk toward the safety of an Iraqi Army position on the outskirts of the city. Mosul, Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Displaced Iraqi civilians from the western side of Mosul arrive on a bus at a makeshift camp on the outskirts of Hammam al-Ali, south of Mosul. Hammam al-Ali, Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Iraqi civilians fleeing the fighting in the western side of Mosul walk toward the safety of an Iraqi Army position on the outskirts of the city. Mosul, Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Iraqi civilians fleeing the fighting in the western side of Mosul walk toward the safety of an Iraqi Army position on the outskirts of the city. Mosul, Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Thousands of displaced Iraqi families, fleeing the fighting in neighborhoods in the western side of Mosul, arrive at a collection point set up by the Iraqi Army on the edge of the city. Mosul, Iraq (...)
Moises Saman Hammam al-Ali, Iraq, March 8, 2017. Thousands of Iraqi civilians displaced from western Mosul arrive at a makeshift camp on the outskirts of Hammam al-Ali, south of Mosul. (Photo by Moises Saman/ (...)
Moises Saman Displaced Iraqi civilians from the western side of Mosul gather at a makeshift camp on the outskirts of Hammam al-Ali, south of Mosul. Hammam al-Ali, Iraq. March 8, 2017. © Moises Saman | Magnum Photos
Moises Saman Hammam al-Ali, Iraq, March 8, 2017. Thousands of Iraqi civilians displaced from western Mosul arrive at a makeshift camp on the outskirts of Hammam al-Ali, south of Mosul. (Photo by Moises Saman/ (...)
Lorenzo Meloni Men trying to speak with their female relatives after being separated from them by the Iraqi Army to undergo the identification process. Outskirts of Mosul, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Civilians fleeing from Mosul. Outskirts of Mosul, Irak. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Civilians fleeing from Mosul. Outskirts of Mosul, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Men on lorries on their way to an IDP camp. Outskirts of Mosul, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Men waiting at an identification centre where civilians are separated from IS suspects. Outskirts of Mosul, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Children playing around in the rubble at an IDP camp. Hamam al-Alil, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Two men and a child waiting for medical treatment. Outskirts of Mosul, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Men on lorries on their way to an IDP camp. Outskirts of Mosul, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Men waiting to get their IDs back during the identification process. Hamam al-Alil, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Civilians fleeing from Mosul. Outskirts of Mosul, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni A group of civilians waiting to be taken to an IDP centre for identification. Outskirts of Mosul, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos
Lorenzo Meloni Civilians fleeing from Mosul. Outskirts of Mosul, Iraq. March 2017. © Lorenzo Meloni | Magnum Photos