Rene Burri Some of the fiercest fighting in Sinai occurred on the Mitla Pass, directly east of Suez. Involving hundreds of tanks, the battle lasted an entire night and resulted in the almost complete oblitera (...)
tion of Egyptian military equipment. Most of the equipment was demolished by Israeli jet fighter bombers, with a total of 536 Egyptian tanks being destroyed by the mighty Mystere and Mirage French built planes. Egypt. 1967. © Rene Burri | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar-Am ISRAEL. The Six Day War. 1967. Jerusalem, 7 June. Liberation of old city, D. Ben Gurion at Dome of the Rock.
On the morning of the 5th June 1967, the SIX DAY WAR broke out.After a period of tensio (...)
n and waiting, the Israeli Government decided to launch a pre emptive attack. The war was waged against Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. In the course of it, the Israeli Defense Forces captured the Sinai Peninsula, Jerusalem East, and the West Bank of the Jordan River, and the Golan Heights. © Micha Bar-Am | Magnum Photos
Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography One of the first civilian visitors to the newly liberated city of Jerusalem was Prime Minister David Ben Gurion, pictured here at the Wailing Wall. Jerusalem, Israel. June 7, 1967. © Cornell Capa © International Center of Photography | Magnum Photos
Leonard Freed Israeli soldiers, who recaptured the Old City from the Jordanians during the Six Day War, triumphantly carry a confiscated portrait of Jordan's King Hussein. On the right are the old ramparts of th (...)
e city, on the left is the wall of the Rockefeller Museum. East Jerusalem, Israel. June, 1967. © Leonard Freed | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am The Temple Mount, East Jerusalem, 7th June 1967. In front of the Mosque of the Dome of the Rock in former occupied East Jerusalem near the site of the Temple Mount which is sacred to Jews, happy Is (...)
raeli soldiers with captured Jordanian flags pose in front of the Mosque now in the hands of Israel. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar-Am ISRAEL. The Six Day War. June 1967. After having conquered Jordan and occupied Jerusalem the Israeli forces moved and gained control of the West Bank of the Jordan River.Thousands of refugees fled (...)
from the battlezone and crossed the Allenby Bridge into Israel. © Micha Bar-Am | Magnum Photos