
David Seymour’s Coverage of the Spanish Civil War

David Seymour | Spanish Civil War The revolt of the pro Franco officers was silenced by Republican marines who founded a Committee on the battleship 'Jaime 1'. Port of Cartagena, Spain. July, 1936. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War Miners play an important role in the Republic's economy, where slogans such as 'Save the Production' pervade. Asturia region, Spain. 1936. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War Woman nursing a baby at a land reform meeting near Badajoz. Extremadura, Spain. 1936. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War The fate of Republican prisoners by Pro-Franco war criminals. Beheading prisoners was a common practice in both sides. Historian Michel Lefevbre said this is a photograph taken during the Rif war i (...)
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War A committee of peasants saluting, with their fists, militias leaving to join the forces in Madrid. Extremadura, Spain. 1936. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War Soldiers of the International Brigades during the farewell ceremony. Barcelona, Spain. October 28, 1938. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War Pilots resting in open country near their Polikarpov aircraft. Spain. 1936. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War Spanish General Jose Miaja Menant, loyal to the Republican Army, hero of the Madrid resistance in 1936. Spain. 1936. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War Under the autonomous government of Euzkadi no-one ever took notice of the Condor Legion (German air force sent by Hitler to support Franco) which would one day destroy Guernica and bomb extensively (...)
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War Not all the water pipes are cut off despite the Italo-German air force bombings. Barcelona, Spain. 1938. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War Parade of soldiers belonging to the People's army. Minorca is the only island that remains loyal to the Republic. Spain. 1938. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War The CNT National Spanish Confederation of Labour banner calls everyone to work hard and with verve. The provinces overpowered by the Franquist rebels could no longer participate in the Republican w (...)
David Seymour | Spanish Civil War The canon fires in celebration of silencing the pro Franco revolt by Republican marines. Murcia region, Spain. July, 1936. © David Seymour | Magnum Photos