Emin Özmen A young man stands on a hill at El 23 de enero, a ghetto which has long history with political transitions of Venezuela.
In the 1980s, it produced the powerful Revolutionary Tupamaros Movement, (...)
an urban guerilla group that formed a strategic alliance in prison with former president Hugo Chaves following his failed 1992 military coup. Now, the Tupamaros group is a national movement and one of Venezuella’s many colectivos, left wing armed groups that operate on the street of caracas. Members of the group consider themselves the guardians of Chavez’s social revolution. Caracas. Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen Security forces block the entrance of the Universidad Central as students protest against Maduro government inside the campus.
Poverty, violence and authoritarianism slided into Venezuela since M (...)
aduro serves as President (since 2013). Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen On Saturday 2nd of February, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan opposition supporters have taken to the streets after Juan Guaido call to stage another day of peaceful protests against President N (...)
icolás Maduro’s authoritarian regime.
The pressure on Maduro is increasing. Ahead of the protests, a high-ranking Air Force general announced his support for Mr Guaidó in a video message posted online. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen A soldier stands near Hugo Chavez portrait on the wall in his mausoleum in Caracas.
Chávez is a legendary figure in Venezuela as he served as president of Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 20 (...)
13 and spearheaded the country’s experiment with socialism. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen Protestors burn and tear apart a Maduro's flag near Las Mercedes in Caracas, during the gathering in support of the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido.
On Saturday 2nd of February, hundreds (...)
of thousands of Venezuelan opposition supporters have taken to the streets after Juan Guaido call to stage another day of peaceful protests against President Nicolás Maduro’s authoritarian regime. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019.
The pressure on Maduro is increasing. Ahead of the protests, a high-ranking Air Force general announced his support for Mr Guaidó in a video message posted online. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen Protestors look at a flag of Maduro burning near Las Mercedes in Caracas, during the gathering in support of the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido.
On Saturday 2nd of February, hundreds of (...)
thousands of Venezuelan opposition supporters have taken to the streets after Juan Guaido call to stage another day of peaceful protests against President Nicolás Maduro’s authoritarian regime.
The pressure on Maduro is increasing. Ahead of the protests, a high-ranking Air Force general announced his support for Mr Guaidó in a video message posted online. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen Protestors seen during clashes with police near Las Mercedes in Caracas, after the gathering in support of the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido.
On Saturday 2nd of February, hundreds of th (...)
ousands of Venezuelan opposition supporters have taken to the streets after Juan Guaido call to stage another day of peaceful protests against President Nicolás Maduro’s authoritarian regime.
The pressure on Maduro is increasing. Ahead of the protests, a high-ranking Air Force general announced his support for Mr Guaidó in a video message posted online. Caracas. Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen VENEZUELA. Caracas. 2019. Masked protestors block the highway during clashes with police at Las Mercedes in Caracas, after the gathering in support of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido.
On (...)
Saturday 2nd of February, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan opposition supporters have taken to the streets after Juan Guaido call to stage another day of peaceful protests against President Nicolás Maduro’s authoritarian regime.
The pressure on Maduro is increasing. Ahead of the protests, a high-ranking Air Force general announced his support for Mr Guaidó in a video message posted online. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen Masked protestors stands near the highway during clashes with police at Las Mercedes in Caracas, after the gathering in support of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido.
On Saturday 2nd of Feb (...)
ruary, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan opposition supporters have taken to the streets after Juan Guaido call to stage another day of peaceful protests against President Nicolás Maduro’s authoritarian regime.
The pressure on Maduro is increasing. Ahead of the protests, a high-ranking Air Force general announced his support for Mr Guaidó in a video message posted online. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen Masked protestor stands on the highway during clashes with police at Las Mercedes in Caracas, after the gathering in support of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido.
On Saturday 2nd of Februa (...)
ry, hundreds of thousands of Venezuelan opposition supporters have taken to the streets after Juan Guaido call to stage another day of peaceful protests against President Nicolás Maduro’s authoritarian regime. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019.
The pressure on Maduro is increasing. Ahead of the protests, a high-ranking Air Force general announced his support for Mr Guaidó in a video message posted online. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen VENEZUELA. Caracas. 2019. Soldiers stand near the tomb of Hugo Chavez in his mausoleum in Caracas.
Chávez is a legendary figure in Venezuela as he served as president of Venezuela from 1999 until (...)
his death in 2013 and spearheaded the country’s experiment with socialism. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen Soldiers stand at a military headquarter while a woman holds a banner reading #OnlyYouAreLeft as she joins opposition supporters distributing copies of amnesty measures to anyone in the military wh (...)
o disavows President Nicolas Maduro, in front of a military headquarters in Caracas.
The military is crucial to Guaidó’s goal of removing Maduro. He admits that he cannot take power unless they withdraw their support for the regime. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen A small market seen empty in Petare neighbourhood in Caracas.
Despite their country's immense oil resources, millions of Venezuelans are suffering from hunger. The country suffered frequent shor (...)
tages of basic foodstuffs in recent years. Markets are also regularly looted as food has become scarce. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen A member of the National Police reads a copy of amnesty measures approved by the opposition-controlled National Assembly to anyone in the military who disavows President Nicolas Maduro, distributed (...)
by supporters of Juan Guaido.
The military is crucial to Guaidó’s goal of removing Maduro. He admits that he cannot take power unless they withdraw their support for the regime. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen 'Eyes of Chavez' seen on government housing in 23 de Enero neighbourhood in Caracas.
Chávez is a legendary figure in Venezuela as he served as president of Venezuela from 1999 until his death in 2 (...)
013 and spearheaded the country’s experiment with socialism. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen VENEZUELA. Caracas. 2019. Cementerio Del Sur.
Desecrated graves seen in the South cemetery. Located near a slum, it has a bad reputation because of the robberies. Some Venezuelans rob valuable obj (...)
ects in graves and even human remains for witchcraft rituals.
According to a Reuters report, hyperinflation has also posed a hurdle for Venezuelans to find wood and metal for coffins, as well as cement to build tombs. Consequently, many Venezuelans have attempted to cremate their loved ones, but crematories are coping with a lack of propane gas due to high demand. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen People wait in a queue to be able to buy food in front of a small market in Catia neighbourhood in Caracas.
Despite their country's immense oil resources, millions of Venezuelans are suffering fr (...)
om hunger. The country suffered frequent shortages of basic foodstuffs in recent years. Markets are also regularly looted as food has become scarce. Caracas. Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen VENEZUELA. Caracas. 2019. 'Clap' box seen in community centre community centre in Cotiza neighbourhood in Caracas.
Each family receives one 'clap' box from the government in a month. for most of (...)
them, it represents the only food they can get in a month.
The food aid provided through CLAP (initiated by Maduro in 2016) is a desperate and strategic response to rampant food scarcity and poverty in Venezuela. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen VENEZUELA. Caracas. 2019. A girl plays with her dog near El 23 de Enero, a ghetto which has long history with political transitions of Venezuela.
In the 1980s, it produced the powerful Revolutio (...)
nary Tupamaros Movement, an urban guerilla group that formed a strategic alliance in prison with former president Hugo Chaves following his failed 1992 military coup. Now, the Tupamaros group is a national movement and one of Venezuela’s many colectivos, left wing armed groups that operate on the street of caracas. Members of the group consider themselves the guardians of Chavez’s social revolution. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen Protestors burn Maduro flag near Las Mercedes in Caracas, during the gathering in support of the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido.
On Saturday 2nd of February, hundreds of thousands of Ven (...)
ezuelan opposition supporters have taken to the streets after Juan Guaido call to stage another day of peaceful protests against President Nicolás Maduro’s authoritarian regime.
The pressure on Maduro is increasing. Ahead of the protests, a high-ranking Air Force general announced his support for Mr Guaidó in a video message posted online. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen VENEZUELA. Caracas. 2019. General view of Caracas from El 23 de enero, a ghetto which has long history with political transitions of Venezuela.
In the 1980s, it produced the powerful Revolutiona (...)
ry Tupamaros Movement, an urban guerilla group that formed a strategic alliance in prison with former president Hugo Chaves following his failed 1992 military coup. Now, the Tupamaros group is a national movement and one of Venezuella’s many colectivos, left wing armed groups that operate on the street of caracas. Members of the group consider themselves the guardians of Chavez’s social revolution. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos
Emin Özmen People carry 'Clap' boxes into community centre in Cotiza neighbourhood in Caracas. Each family receives one 'clap' box from the government in a month. for most of them, it represents the only food (...)
they can get in a month.
The food aid provided through CLAP (initiated by Maduro in 2016) is a desperate and strategic response to rampant food scarcity and poverty in Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela. 2019. © Emin Özmen | Magnum Photos