
In Memoriam: Shimon Peres, 1923 – 2016

Micha Bar Am Then-Minister of Defense Itzhak Rabin and Prime Minister Shimon Peres aboard a flight during Israeli withdrawl from Lebanon. Lebanon. 1984. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas After Sabra and Chatila Massacres. Beirut. The Israeli politician Shimon Peres in front of a portrait of David Ben Gourion. Israel. 1982. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Shimon Peres after being elected as head of Labor Party. Jerusalem, Israel. 1980. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Prime Minister Shimon Peres in a helicopter on way to Lebanon. Israel. 1984. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am The Israeli Prime Minister Mr Shimon Peres and Mr Yitzhak Rabin the Israeli Defense Minister, visiting Israeli Defence Forces in Lebanon. Lebanon. 1984. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Defense Minister Itzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres in the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament building. Jerusalem, Israel. 1990. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Shimon Peres at Maarakh party towards 1981 elections. Israel. 1981. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas Ceremony of the Houphouet-Boigny Peace Prize. From left to right: Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Federico Mayor (Director General of UNESCO), Yitzhak Rabin, Henry Kissinger (President of the Jury). P (...)
Bruno Barbey Mitterrand's requiem.

Shimon Peres, Member of the Knesset, Israel. Paris.Notre-Dame de Paris, Paris, France. 1996. © Bruno Barbey | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Shimon Peres at Ha'Maarakh party alignment. Kings of Israel square, Tel Aviv, Israel. 1981. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas Acting Prime Minister Shimon Peres in his office day after Yitzhak Rabin funeral. Jerusalem, Israel. November 7th, 1995. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Press Party at Dan Hotel. Shimon Peres. Tel Aviv, Israel. 1977. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Shimon Peres at Ha'Maarakh party alignment. Kings of Israel square, Tel Aviv, Israel. 1981. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Shimon Peres. Press Party at Dan Hotel. Tel Aviv, Israel. 1977. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Labor party conference.

Shimon Peres & Yitzhak Rabin. Israel. 1990. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Richard Kalvar Amre Moussa (Secretary-General, League of Arab States), Shimon Peres and Klaus Schwab (Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum). Annual Meeting of the World Economic. Davos, Switzerlan (...)
Micha Bar Am Signing ceremony for grand coalition. Yitzhak Rabin, Shimon Peres & Yitzhak Shamir. Israel. 1988. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Shimon Peres visiting soldiers. Ramat HaGolem, Israel. 1981. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
A. Abbas Acting Prime Minister Shimon Peres in his offfice in Jerusalem upon taking up his new appointment. Israel. 1995. © A. Abbas | Magnum Photos
Micha Bar Am Rally against the 1982 First Lebanon War. Singing the national anthem. In the center: Shimon Peres. Israel. 1982. © Micha Bar Am | Magnum Photos
Bruno Barbey Shimon Peres. Member of the Knesset. Israel. 1999. © Bruno Barbey | Magnum Photos