Chris Steele-Perkins MYANMAR. Rakhine State. Sittwe. 2014. Local area where a number of camps have been set up for the Internally Displaced People - all Muslim, who were attacked by the local Arakan people who do not (...)
want them living in Myanmar. Sewing class in Camp in Nazir area. © Chris Steele-Perkins | Magnum Photos
Chris Steele-Perkins MYANMAR (Burma) Young boys, after the age of 7 spend a short time during a school holiday as novice monks. Their inititation is a lengthy ceremony over 2 days. On the first, they are dressed and ma (...)
de-up and paraded round pagodas where offerings are made. On the second they have their heads shaved and are given monk's red robes and a collecting bowl. 1995 © Chris Steele-Perkins | Magnum Photos
Chris Steele-Perkins MYANMAR. 2014. near MRAUK U. Rakhine State. Chin peoples' villages along the Limro River. Traditionally women had tatooed faces, but the younger generation does not want to. Some villages now suppo (...)
rt tourism on the basis of the tatoos. © Chris Steele-Perkins | Magnum Photos
Chris Steele-Perkins MYANMAR (Burma) Young boys, after the age of 7 spend a short time during a school holiday as novice monks. Their inititation is a lengthy ceremony over 2 days. On the first, they are dressed and ma (...)
de-up and paraded round pagodas where offerings are made. On the second they have their heads shaved and are given monk's red robes and a collecting bowl. 1995 © Chris Steele-Perkins | Magnum Photos
Chris Steele-Perkins MYANMAR (Burma) Latain village. The Padung tribe, known for their Giraffe Necked Women, whose rib-cage is pushed down by adding brass rings to the neck. They are becoming less common as their obvio (...)
us disadvantages are making them unpopular. Only three old women in the village still wore neck rings. 1995. © Chris Steele-Perkins | Magnum Photos