Social Issues

From Refugee to Human Rights Activist

Bieke Depoorter Jadranka travels all through Bosnia, Serbia, and Montenegro to give workshops. Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Elda Sisic, Lejla Omerovic’s daughter, Vares, Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter The Srebrenica-Potocari Memorial Center & Cemetery. Every year on July 11th Jadranka, along with the group Woman in Black, return to demonstrate, Srebrenica. Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter In the home of Nuna Zemina Vehabovic. Nuna started The Center for Mother Hope with a friend, but now runs everything by herself. She is also part of the local government and is involved in defendin (...)
Bieke Depoorter Jovana Boljanic in her bedroom, where she feels she can be herself. Still, she keeps many things, such as her rainbow flag, hidden from her father and brother, Sokolac. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Augu (...)
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka in her home, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter In the home of Nuna Zemina Vehabovic. Nuna started The Center for Mother Hope with a friend, but now runs everything by herself. She is also part of the local government and is involved in defendin (...)
Bieke Depoorter In the home of Nuna Zemina Vehabovic. Nuna started The Center for Mother Hope with a friend, but now runs everything by herself. She is also part of the local government and is involved in defendin (...)
Bieke Depoorter In the home of Nuna Zemina Vehabovic. Nuna started The Center for Mother Hope with a friend, but now runs everything by herself. She is also part of the local government and is involved in defendin (...)
Bieke Depoorter In the home of Nuna Zemina Vehabovic. Nuna started The Center for Mother Hope with a friend, but now runs everything by herself. She is also part of the local government and is involved in defendin (...)
Bieke Depoorter In the home of Nuna Zemina Vehabovic. Nuna started The Center for Mother Hope with a friend, but now runs everything by herself. She is also part of the local government and is involved in defendin (...)
Bieke Depoorter In the home of Nuna Zemina Vehabovic. Nuna started The Center for Mother Hope with a friend, but now runs everything by herself. She is also part of the local government and is involved in defendin (...)
Bieke Depoorter In the home of Nuna Zemina Vehabovic. Nuna started The Center for Mother Hope with a friend, but now runs everything by herself. She is also part of the local government and is involved in defendin (...)
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka in her home, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka travels all through Bosnia, Serbia, and Montenegro to give workshops. Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka visits the home of a Roma family, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka’s assistant Asja, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Jovana wears her red apron, a special souvenir from when she attended one of Jadranka’s workshops seven years ago. Since then the women have remained in contact. Jovana’s father and brother were no (...)
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka meets with a young feminist named Jovana Boljanic and her father Bogdan. Jovana met Jadranka at one of her workshops. Jovana’s brother and father were not initially supportive of her activ (...)
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka speaks with Mika Mejra (‘Mother Mika’). Mika lost two children and her husband during the war. Her family was imprisoned in 1998 and killed. She spent years trying to locate their bodies, (...)
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka visits her son in Sarajevo, Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Elda Sisic, Lejla Omerovic’s daughter, Vares, Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka stops for help after experiencing car trouble on the way to Srebrenica. Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka visits Lejla Omerovic, who lives in an isolated village called Vares. She works with her family to produce soap, skin products, and other small goods. Lejla helped start a local NGO called (...)
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka visits Lejla Omerovic, who lives in an isolated village called Vares. In 2014 Lejla’s house was partially destroyed by a flood. The CURE foundation helped raise money to fix the home, but (...)
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka visits the home of a Roma family, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Jadranka driving home in Sarajevo, Sarajevo. Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Besic Mirsada’s house is the only one in the area that has running water. Her neighbors come here to get water, Visoko. Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos
Bieke Depoorter Besic Mirsada’s house is the only one in the area that has running water. Her neighbors come here to get water, Visoko. Bosnia and Herzegovina. August 2017. © Bieke Depoorter | Magnum Photos