
Gilles Peress: Haines

Gilles Peress documents the on-going conflicts from around the world, focusing on the conflicts in Northern Ireland, the Balkans, and Rwanda

Gilles Peress

Gilles Peress | Haines Senad Medanovic at the former home of his family. He claims that Serbian forces executed his family in nearby woods. Prhovo, Bosnia. 1995. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines Departure of Jews. Skanderia, Sarajevo. 1993. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines Hospital near a concentration camp. Kabgayi, Rwanda. 1994. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines Sons of internees. Dunville Park on the Falls Road. Northern Ireland. 1974. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines The wake of an IRA man. Strabane, County Derry, Northern Ireland. 1985. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines The inside of a Croatian church that was destroyed by Serbian forces. Krajina, Croatia. 1995. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines A civilian cries at a Croation refugee camp where water is being passed out by Red Cross workers. Dvor, Croatia. 1995. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines Kosovar refugees on the road. Albania. 1999. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines A young civilian lies on a horse-driven wagon. Bihac, Bosnia. 1995. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines A hostage near Bosovaca. Bosnia and Herzegovina. 1993. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines Outside St Paul's Church, Ralls Road. Belfast, Northern Ireland. 1972. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines Rioters throw stones at a British armoured car. Derry, Northern Ireland.1972. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
Gilles Peress | Haines Clothing and bleached bones were all that remained of this refugee, slain with over 1000 others at the parish church of Nyarubuye. Their bodies were not found until 44 days after the killings. Rwan (...)
Gilles Peress | Haines Obala Vojvode, Stepe Stepanovica and Mogorkog. Sarajevo, Bosnia. 1993. © Gilles Peress | Magnum Photos
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