Alex Majoli: A Place to Call Home
The photographer visits several locations in search of the illusive feeling of "home"
In his project for Fujifilm’s Magnum Home, Alex Majoli photographed three places he has called home. “At the end I found myself searching for memories, anchors, reasons of a journey,” he says.
Over the years we live somewhere, our understanding of a home’s timespan is more likely to be cyclical, repetitive and sometimes chaotic. It holds our memories, fears and desires: assembled like furniture and surrounded by mental clutter. Majoli photographs that “home” we are all familiar with, the one that exists in a place and time; that’s subject to the circular rhythms of life and is undefined and endlessly transforming in our imaginations.
Magnum Home is a project that invited sixteen Magnum photographers from far-reaching corners of the world to present work based on their personal reflections of the meaning of the term “home”. As the exhibition opens in Milan, Alex Majoli presents a poetic and deeply personal portrait of his explorations of places he has lived, as he continues his search for the final place he will call his home.