
In Rebuke of Forgetfulness

Paolo Pellegrin Volunteers help refugees come ashore near the village of Skala Sikamineas, on the northern tip of the Greek island of Lesbos, after travelling on an inflatable raft from Turkey. After reaching the (...)
Patrick Zachmann A boat coming from Libya has been spotted and caught by the coast guards (Costiera Guardia) 35 miles away from Lampedusa. They escort it to the port where coast-guards, police, Protezione Civile, a (...)
Peter van Agtmael The hand of Ashgar Hassanzadeh, 34, an Afghan refugee who had three fingers chopped off and 22 bones broken by the Taliban threatening him for working with coalition forces. He fled with his family (...)
Jérôme Sessini An anti-fascist group has been stop by police to avoid any confrontation with the South East Alliance protesters. South East Alliance, and English Volunteer Forces organised the march to protest (...)
John Vink An army truck is stationed in front of the Central Station. Following the terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday 13, 2015, and the connection with radicalised Muslims from the borough of Molenbeek, a (...)
Moises Saman A refugee waves to indicate a safe landing area to an approaching inflatable raft as it approaches the shores of Lesbos island in Greece. The passengers had traveled from Assos, Turkey, in inflatab (...)
Paolo Pellegrin Clashes erupt between Syrian and Afghan refugees in the Mytilini port area as they wait to be registered by the Greek police. The Afghans complain that the Syrian receive favored treatment by the a (...)
Moises Saman Refugees disembark an inflatable raft on the shores of the island of Lesbos. They had traveled from Assos, Turkey, in inflatable rafts to reach the European Union in the hopes of being granted asyl (...)
Peter van Agtmael The train station on the Croatian-Serbian border. It was over 100 degrees fahrenheit and thousands of migrants waited for trains to take them to Zagreb, while Croatian riot police kept them fenced (...)
Jérôme Sessini A migrant protects himself from the rain with a garbage bag. The migrants who live in the 'Jungle' of Calais are a mix of refugees, asylum seekers and economic migrants from Darfur, Afghanistan, Sy (...)
Peter van Agtmael The closed Serbian-Hungarian border. The border had closed at midnight earlier that day, but thousands of migrants, unaware of an alternative route, hoped that it would be opened. At the border fen (...)
Jérôme Sessini Syrian families, mostly from Aleppo, are placed in a refugee camp in Vasariste near the Serbian-Hungarian border. After a day to recover, they will walk and attempt to cross the Serbian-Hungarian (...)
Bieke Depoorter A., aged 16, is from Afghanistan. He is pictured here having breakfast, before going to school, which he started 5 weeks ago. His family fled to Iran one year ago. A. came to Germany all by himself (...)
Abbas A Republican march against terrorism and anti-semitism. After the assault on the satirical magazine Charlie-Hebdo on January 7 and the hostage taking in a kosher supermarket on January 9, 17 people (...)
Moises Saman Refugees aboard an inflatable raft arrive on the shores of Lesbos island. They had traveled from Assos, Turkey, in inflatable rafts to reach the European Union in the hopes of being granted asylum. (...)
Thomas Dworzak A village on the Luxembourg-German-French border on the Moselle river. On June 14, 1985, the first EU agreement to open European internal borders was signed on the boat "Princess Marie-Astrid", giv (...)
Henri Cartier-Bresson Refugees crossing a pontoon bridge above a river, which marked the border Soviet and American sectors. A transit camp located between the American and Soviet zones organised for refugees, political (...)
David Seymour The bathers have put their clothes to dry on the barbed wire fence, which is in fact the borderline between East and West Germany and the most Northern part of the Iron Curtain. Travemunde on the B (...)
Erich Lessing The "Iron Curtain" dividing Europe into East and West, also divided Austria and Hungary. Between May 10 and early September, in a brief thaw before the Hungarian Revolution of the autumn of 1956, H (...)