
Christopher Reeve as Superman. 1978.

Burt Glinn photographed on the set of many iconic Hollywood movies from Suddenly Last Summer to Superman, pictured here with the leading man Christopher Reeve 1978.

Harlem, New York City. 1963.

In the 1960s Leonard Freed began a lengthy examination of the plight of African Americans in the United States. Freed traveled to New York, Washington, D.C. and all throughout the South, capturing images of a segregated and racially-entrenched society. The photos taken at that time were then published in 1968 in “Black in White America”.

Freed’s sensitive and informative black-and-white photographs investigate the politics of the country, and articulate the anxiety of under-represented and discriminated people.

Harlem, New York City. 1972.

Leonard Freed is known primarily for his in-depth coverage of African Americans in the era of the civil rights movement. Over the years he spent time in Harlem, New York City, documenting the lives of the community in the predominantly black neighbourhood. Photography became Freed’s means to explore social injustice.

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