
Produced at the time of Nick Broomfield’s documentary “Fetishes”, Meiselas’s “Pandora’s Box” is a darkly captivating journey into a high-class sex club that specializes in sado-masochism.

Mistress Raven directed a staff of 14 at Pandora’s Box, a 4,000-square-foot, high-class Manhattan S & M club that bills itself as the “Disneyland of Domination.”

Interspersed with pages made of latex, rubber, colored gels, and other erotic materials, Magnum photographer Susan Meiselas’s documentary photographs of the club’s highly formalized rules and rituals and its role-playing “vas from reality” reveal both the customers who frequent the club and the women who command them.

Edition of 1,650. Numbered & Signed by Susan Meiselas

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