
In the late 1960s, Dennis Stock set out to capture the freewheeling vibes of California culture. He spent time with hippies, bikers, and artists and documented a broad spectrum of life from communes to film sets. The now iconic film, Planet of the Apes, was filmed in 1967 and was groundbreaking in its use of prosthetic makeup techniques by artist John Chambers. It was met with critical acclaim and was widely regarded one of the best films of 1968, applauded for its imagination and its commentary on a possible world gone upside down.

I'm not a casual photographer. Themes motivate me to pick up a camera

Dennis Stock
© Dennis Stock | Magnum Photos

Dennis Stock was born in 1928 in New York City. At the age of 17, he left home to join the United States Navy. In 1947, he became an apprentice to Life magazine photographer Gjon Mili and won first prize in Life’s Young Photographers contest.

He joined Magnum in 1951. Stock evoked the spirit of America through his memorable and iconic portraits of Hollywood stars, most notably James Dean. Other notable projects include his work on the jazz scene and on the California free-loving counterculture of the 1960’s. In the 1990s he went back to his urban origins, exploring the modern architecture of large cities and his later work was mostly focused on the abstraction of flowers.

Dennis Stock resided in Woodstock, New York, until his death in 2010.

© Dennis Stock | Magnum Photos

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