
Susan Meiselas’s photographs of the revolution in Nicaragua form an extraordinary narrative, starting with a powerful and chilling evocation of the Somoza regime, following the course of the popular resistance that led to an insurrection, and ending with the triumph of the revolution. Here, a rebel wearing a traditional Indian dance mask (worn to conceal their identity) is pictured during a fight against Somoza in 1978.



The camera is an excuse to be someplace you otherwise don't belong. It gives me both a point of connection and a point of separation

Susan Meiselas
© Susan Meiselas | Magnum Photos

Susan Meiselas was born in Baltimore, Maryland in 1948 and received her B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and her M.A. in visual education from Harvard University.

Her first major photographic essay focused on the lives of women doing striptease at New England country fairs, culminating in the celebrated project, Carnival Strippers.

She is one of the world’s foremost documentary photographers, best known for her coverage of human rights issues in Latin America—notably the insurrection in Nicaragua—as well as her portraits of those living on the periphery of society. Meiselas joined Magnum in 1976.

© Susan Meiselas | Magnum Photos

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