
Over the course of 14 years, French photojournalist Jean Gaumy captured the fierce conditions of the fishermen who worked on open-deck trawlers, capturing the harsh reality of life at sea. In an extract from the book, Pleine Mer: Men At Sea, Gaumy writes: “The unpredictable gray sky devastated with spindrifts, and the ocean at the edge, full of white flurries.”

Taking pictures is like fishing or writing. It's getting out of the unknown that which resists and refuses to come to light

Jean Gaumy
© Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos

Jean Gaumy was born in August 1948 in Pontaillac (Charente-Maritime), France. He received his higher education in Rouen where he worked as editor and freelance photographer in a local daily newspaper to pay for his studies. He worked briefly at the Viva agency and later joined the French photo agency, Gamma, in 1973 at the request of Raymond Depardon.

Gaumy is known for his eloquently evocative photography and cinematography, achieved through a deep engagement with his subjects. From his famous long-term projects on the fishing industry, arctic exploration and 1980’s Iran to his groundbreaking work on the French penal and healthcare systems, Gaumy produces work that is both vivid and impactful.

Gaumy joined Magnum in 1977. He has been living in Fécamp, Haute-Normandie since 1995.

© Jean Gaumy | Magnum Photos

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