
Political meeting in Turkey, 1990.

While shooting, somehow, thinking is suspended. It is like playing a game with reality

Nikos Economopoulos
© Richard Kalvar | Magnum Photos

Nikos Economopoulos was born in the Peloponnese, Greece. He studied law in Parma, Italy, and worked as a journalist. In 1988, he started photographing in Greece and Turkey, and eventually abandoned journalism to dedicate himself to photography.

Economopoulos joined Magnum in 1990, and his photographs began appearing in newspapers and magazines around the world. He has made notable bodies of work in the Balkans, Turkey and his homeland of Greece. He has recently turned to the use of color.

Currently, he is spending most of his time away from Greece, traveling, teaching and photographing around the world, in the context of his long-term On The Road project.

© Richard Kalvar | Magnum Photos

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